The journey starts at the beginning of January 2016 when Rosslyn arrives in Cape Town, Western Cape Province of South Africa.   Rosslyn brings with her, her experience as an RN Midwife and Neonatal Intensive Care nursing, her passion to include fathers in Maternity care, and an evidence based parenting program called Bringing Baby Home.

In 2016 the population is approximately 55 Million.   79.2% are African; 8.9% are “Coloured”; 8.9% are White, 2.6% are Indian or Asian; 0.2% are “other”.

Is this father-inclusive relationship program of value, in a population where 70% of African families have no father, and where crime rates are amongst the highest in the world?   South Africa also has the highest rates of HIV-AIDS and TB in the world, and more than half the population live in poverty. Approximately 2853 infants are born into this situation every day.

On 21 January, 2016, Rosslyn attends a Western Cape Association for Infant Mental Health meeting, and connects with Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst. Prof Astrid Berg.   Astrid Berg has written a book on African culture:   “Connecting with South Africa: Cultural communication and Understanding”.    This is the start of Rosslyn’s interest and understanding of the strengths and beauty of African Culture.

Rosslyn is interested to see whether the Gottman work could be implemented with teenagers.   She is invited by Pastor Eugene Abrahams of Gospel Mission Church, HANOVER PARK to introduce some of the program to teenagers.

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