Getting To Know You Program

  The 8 Pastors/Educators from the Cape Flats, trained as facilitators in the “Getting to know you” program. From left to right:   Melita Dlelana, Pastor Alletta Frans, Judy-Rose Cyster, Pastor Fozia Hoosain, Dawn Pieterse, Nomanesi Makhonko, Elizabeth van der Schuur, Pastor Nomtha Batyi, and Ros Vroom.

New Pastors/Educators Trained

  8 new Pastors/Educators who completed the “Getting to know you” facilitator training in Cape Town, holding the new adapted manual.   The Xhosa name for the program adaptation is Ndifuna ukukwazi.

University of the North West Symposium

  Ros presenting the Gottman “Bringing Baby Home” program to Social Workers at the University of the North West Symposium on Families, at Durbanville Convention centre.   In the background are images of trained observers coding the video tapes of couples who are being interviewed, as part of John Gottman’s 20 year observational studies of couples’ […]